Digital Automatic Tap/Bulk Density Test Apparatus

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 Incorporated with Advanced Microcontroller.
 Supports USP – I and USP – II.
 Alphanumeric display and user friendly feather touch
 Built-in validation facility.
 Informative help prompt messages displayed, to guide user while       conducting test.
 Updated test status displayed.
 Password protection facility to safeguard data.
 Non-volatile memory for storage of 24 test method.
 Updated test status displayed.
 Calculates Bulk Density, Tapped Density, Compressibility Index          and Hausner Ratio
 Simultaneous action of rotating and tapping of the cylinders.
 Print format as per GLP requirements.
 Compliant with USP Specifications.



Tap Density Test Apparatus is designed for determination of the
tapped density of powder samples by tapping the cylinder
under specific conditions. It can also be used for Gran ules,
Flakes etc.
This unit is designed as per USP Specification, suitable for both
USP Method I & II having provision to hold two cylinders. Unit
is used for measuring bulk/tapped density of powder, granules,
pellets etc. The illuminated alpha numeric screen makes
instrument users friendly. It calculates the Percentage
Difference between Tapped Volumes, Tapped Density,
Compressibility Index and Housner Ratio automatically. For
details, refer enclosed leaflet.


 Test Method: USP – I and USP – II
 Tapping Range: 1 – 9999 Taps
 Drive: Stepper Motor
 USP – I
o Tap Height: 14mm ± 2mm.
o Tapping Rate: 300 Taps/Minute. approx.
 USP – II:
o Tap Height: 3mm ± 0.3mm.
o Tapping Rate: 250 Taps/Minute. approx.
 Display: 20 x 4 Lines, Wide Angle, Alphanumeric Backlit LCD
 Key Board: 4 x 4 Matrix Feather Touch Key Board
 Parallel Port Printer Interface for Dot Matrix Printer
 Compliant with USP Specifications:
 Power Supply: 230 ± 10 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 2 Amps Max

Standard Accessories:
 Validated Measuring Cylinder 250ml. 1 No
 Validated Measuring Cylinder 100ml. 1 No
 Holder for 250 ml Cylinder. 1 No
 Holder for 100 ml Cylinder. 1 No

Optional Accessories:
Acoustic Cabinet.
Validated Measuring Cylinder 250ml.
Validated Measuring Cylinder 100ml.
Holder for 250 ml Cylinder.
Holder for 100 ml Cylinder.
80 Column Printer DM Printer.

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