Hot surface indicator light safety warring (B) Digital display (C) Temperature selection keys (D) Speed control dial (E) Start/stop Operation (Hotplate/Stirrer Combination) Turn power switch (rear of instrument) to on position (“I”) set stir speed by turning the dial. The set stir speed with appear on the top of the display To operate without stirring set stir speed to zero set temperature by using the up & down keys beneath the display the set temperature with appear on the bottom of the display to operate without heaing set temperature to zero once desired stir speed and temperature are set press the selection knob to begin stirring and heating the actual stir speed and temperature with begin to rise to the set parameters hot surfce indicator lights at 50 ° C Caution Hot surface Once selection knob has been pressed the surface of the instrument will begin to heat avoid bodily contact or personal injury may occur Operation (Stirrer) Turn power switch (rear of instrument ) to on position (“I”) Set stir speed by turning the dial on the right Set stir speed with appear on bottom of display with actual stir speed appearing on top of display Once desired stir speed is set press selection knob to begin stirring the actual stir speed top of display with rise to the selected stirring speed
Digital Hot Plate With Magnetic Stirrer
In Stock
- Speed – 200-1500rpm
- Temperature – +5 ° C – 380 ° C
- Electrical – 115V/60Hz or 230V/60Hz
- Power Consumption – Max: 500W
- Platform Dimensions – 6.5” 6.5”