Ph Electrode Acrylic, Highly Sensitive, Unbreakable

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* Measuring Range 0.0 ~ 14.0 pH
* Operating Temp. 0°C ~ 50°C
* Zero Electrical Potential 7 ±1 pH
* Filling: Gel
* Connector Type: BNC


This high-quality glass-body pH electrode can be used in non-aqueous solutions and solutions that contain organic solvents, strong acids, or strong bases. The electrode features a sealed, gel-filled Ag-AgCl combination reference electrode and uses a BNC connector. It is designed to be used with the Vernier Electrode Amplifier or Vernier Go Wireless Electrode Amplifier to make measurements in the pH range of 0 to 14. pH Electrode is a glass body, refillable, ceramic diaphgram pH electrode with a BNC connector and Low-Noise Coaxial Cable. This electrode has a spherical pH sensing bulb made with high temperature glass. This design is ideal for laboratory samples, beer and other liquid samples, as well as general purpose use. Operating Temperature is 0 to 70°C. Zero Point : 7 pH. Response Time : < 10 seconds for 95% response from 7 pH to pH 4.01. Glass Membrane Impedance : < 200 M at 25°C. Pressure : Upto 6 bar (87 psi) at 25°C. Reference Electrolyte : KCl. ph Range : 0 to 14.00 pH.

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